Fairbruary Online Events

Fairbruary 2025 - A Café Salon - High Coffee Prices - Global Impact

Monday 10th Fairbruary, 4.30pm - 5.30pm

We are having a more in-depth discussion with three coffee producers and other coffee people in a session called - High Coffee Prices - Global Impact. The producers, Raquel Girón: COMISUYL, Honduras, Miguel Mateo: Manos Campesinas, Guatemala, and Omar Rodriguez: COCAFCAL (Capucas),have participated in other events in Ireland over the years.

Current high green coffee prices reflect the cyclical nature of coffee pricing with busts following booms like night and day. The Fairtrade minimum coffee price, currently US$1.80 a lb, has been in play about 52% of the time in the last 20 years and protects coffee producers from unsustainable pricing during price collapses. The chart here shows Arabica coffee prices per lb of green coffee over the last 45 years.


1. High prices – Do they really benefit farmers and the coops? What are some practical implications of high prices for the farmers and their coops?
Lead - Omar Rodriguez, COCAFCAL, Capucas, Honduras

2. The perspective of a woman coffee producer and coop member? Strategies to succeed and to avoid coffee contract defaults when prices are high. What of stories of widespread contract defaults?
Lead - Raquel Giron, COMISYUL, Honduras

3. Long term sourcing relationships – is commercial stability possible for small -scale coffee farmers? How?
Lead Miguel Mateo, Manos Campesinos, Guatemala

4. Finance and coffee – an Irish micro-credit example
Lead - Kieran Durnien, Prospero

5. What is happening in the Irish coffee market?
Lead – Cathal Murphy, Bewleys

6. The future of coffee and pricing. High standards – High Prices?– High Standards – Low prices? Does Fairtrade have the economic tools for high price commodity markets?

More Events to follow!

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